Review Contract

One of the essential components of Boxa Travel's platform is the review system that allows clients to provide feedback on their travel experience. The review smart contract is a critical part of this process, enabling secure and transparent feedback collection and management.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.17; contract Review { struct ReviewInfo { string reviewer; uint256 rating; string comment; } ReviewInfo[] publicreviews; function addReview(string memory _reviewer, uint256 _rating, string memory _comment) public { ReviewInfo memory newReview = ReviewInfo(_reviewer, _rating, _comment); reviews.push(newReview); } function getReviewsCount() public view returns(uint256) { return reviews.length; } function getReview(uint256 index) public viewreturns (string memory, uint256, string memory) { require(index < reviews.length, "Index out of bounds"); ReviewInfo memory review = reviews[index]; return (review.reviewer, review.rating, review.comment); } }

Benefits of using Review Smart Contracts:

  1. Security - The review smart contract ensures that the reviews are legitimate and secure. It eliminates the possibility of fake reviews, as each review must come from a verified user.

  2. Transparency - The review smart contract ensures transparency in the feedback collection process. All reviews are stored on the blockchain, making them immutable and transparent.

  3. Trust - The review smart contract builds trust between clients and service providers. Clients can trust that their feedback will be heard, and service providers can trust that the feedback is honest and reliable.

  4. Efficiency - The review smart contract automates the feedback collection process, making it more efficient and cost-effective for service providers.

  5. Accuracy - The review smart contract ensures the accuracy of the reviews, as it eliminates the possibility of human error or manipulation.

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