Presale Breakdown

Presale Vesting Schedule:

Rounds Allocation

Seed Round: The funds raised during the Seed Round are allocated towards product development, technological infrastructure, and marketing initiatives. This financial support allows us to create a robust and feature-rich platform that meets the needs of eco-conscious travelers and property owners. It also enables us to establish strategic partnerships, conduct market research, and implement effective marketing strategies to promote our platform to a wider audience.

Private Round:

The Private Round provides an opportunity to form strategic partnerships with industry leaders and experienced investors. Their knowledge and insights can greatly benefit our platform, helping us navigate challenges, optimize our business model, and unlock new opportunities for growth. These partnerships not only bring financial resources but also open doors to valuable networks and collaborations.

Public Round:

The Public Round is a significant phase in the fundraising process of Boxa Travel. It involves opening up the opportunity for a wider audience, including retail investors, to participate in our project by purchasing our tokens. The Public Round serves as a crucial step towards achieving our funding goals and democratizing access to our platform.

Last updated