
Boxa Travel introduces the staking utility of the BOTR token, which provides an additional way for users to earn rewards while supporting the platform. By staking BOTR tokens, users can contribute to the network's security and stability while earning rewards in the form of additional BOTR tokens.

Staking BOTR tokens involves locking them up for a certain period of time, during which users will be unable to move or trade the tokens. In exchange for this lock-up period, users will earn additional BOTR tokens as a reward for their contribution to the platform.

The process of staking BOTR tokens is straightforward, and can be done by following these simple steps:

  1. Obtain BOTR tokens through the platform or from a supported exchange.

  2. Connect a supported wallet to the platform.

  3. Choose the amount of BOTR tokens to stake and the length of the lock-up period.

  4. Confirm the staking transaction and wait for the lock-up period to expire.

Upon completion of the lock-up period, users will receive their staked tokens back, along with any rewards earned during the staking period.

Staking BOTR tokens not only provides a way for users to earn additional tokens and contribute to the platform's success, but it also helps to stabilize the token's price. By creating a strong network of stakers and users, Boxa Travel can continue to offer reliable and secure services while providing incentives for users to participate and contribute to the platform's success.

Last updated