Token Circulation

The token circulation scheme on the Boxa Travel platform operates as follows: When a user makes a booking and chooses to pay with tokens, the tokens are sent to the company wallet. Over a short period of time, the company accumulates these tokens. Periodically, 2% of the tokens received as payment are burned, effectively reducing the total token supply. The remaining tokens are then sold to generate funds for paying the property owners.

Once the user's trip is completed, they are rewarded with travel tokens credits in their Boxa Travel Wallet. The amount of credits received typically ranges between 3-7% of the total booking amount, providing users with incentives to continue using the platform for their travel needs.

This circulation scheme ensures that tokens are utilized for payments, contributing to the stability and value of the token ecosystem. It also promotes user engagement and loyalty by offering rewards in the form of travel tokens, enhancing the overall user experience on the Boxa Travel platform.

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